[arin-ppml] nonsense about unrealized awareness from legacy resource holders

Jo Rhett geek at jorhett.com
Thu Apr 14 20:20:25 EDT 2022

On Apr 14, 2022, at 3:12 AM, Jon Lewis <jlewis at lewis.org> wrote:
> Before ARIN existed, InterNIC also assigned ASNs and IP space.  This is where lots of legacy assignments come from.  It's where the ASN assigned to the company I was a part owner of came from.  It's too bad we didn't have the foresight to also request IPs...so all I have is a legacy ASN.

Who exactly are you trying to provide history to? InterNIC didn't exist until 1993. All the InterNIC forms had clear language about assignment == no doubt about what said assignments were. You people who think that the Internet first existed post-rfc1400 are all sorts of confused about this. Hint: it's RFC 1400 and they landed in numerical order because the process for creating an RFC was a single human being at the time.

While I helped a number of people later on in my career get space from InterNIC, my allocations came directly from what would be IANA, but really it was just talking to Jon and Sue, etc because it was really informal back then.

Jo Rhett

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