[arin-ppml] [nanog] 2749 routes AT RISK - Re: TIMELY/IMPORTANT - Approximately 40

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Thu Apr 7 13:16:16 EDT 2022

Moved to ARIN-PPML per your previous advice and your request below...

> On Apr 7, 2022, at 09:25 , John Curran <jcurran at arin.net> wrote:
> On 7 Apr 2022, at 12:05 PM, Owen DeLong <owen at delong.com <mailto:owen at delong.com>> wrote:
>> Alternatively, if ARIN starts billing LRSA+RSA organizations on the basis of MAX(IPv4, IPv6), I will also stop calling this double billing.
> Mr. Delong – 
> Organizations with legacy IPv4 resources and IPv6 number resources under a registration services plan are already being invoiced one amount based on the highest category of IPv4 / IPv6  - i.e. “on the basis of MAX(IPv4, IPv6)” as you put it. 

Incorrect. Those organizations no longer have legacy IPv4 resources… Once they bring the resources under RSA, they lose any meaningful “legacy” status.

> However, the “Fee Cap on IPv4 maintenance fees” provided to IPv4 legacy resource holders does not apply to such an amount invoiced because the customer is being invoiced for a registration services plan that contains multiple items [services for IPv4, IPv6, and ASN resources] that are more than just "IPv4 maintenance fees”.    Customers can keep their IPv4 resources in a separate billing relationship and then the “Fee Cap on IPv4 maintenance fees” will continue to be applied to their “IPv4 registry maintenance fees”, exactly as expected. 

It is not a “fee cap” as you express it. It is a rate of increase cap. Further, what I have repeatedly proposed would not impose that cap on fee increases for non-LRSA resources.

I have repeatedly proposed:
	Calculate LRSA fees (with cap on annual increases).
	Calculate RSA fees (no cap on annual increases).
	MAX(LRSA,RSA) = fee paid.

Current RSA holders are calculated in a similar manner:
	Calculate RSA(IPv4)
	Calculate RSA(IPv6)
	MAX(IPv4, IPv6) = fee paid.

This would not provide for LRSA holders to pay less for their RSA resources than they are currently paying.
If the cap on their LRSA fees currently prevents their LRSA fees from exceeding their RSA fees, then that will gradually catch up over time.
This would be fair to LRSA holders.

The current process which results in SUM(LRSA, RSA) = fee paid is (IMHO) not fair. That is why I terminated my LRSA as soon as I found a way to do so without losing my resources.

> At this point I’d suggest that we take this off the nanog mailing list - if you have further questions feel free to contact ARIN's Registration Services Helpdesk (Hours: 7 AM to 7 PM ET, Phone: +1.703.227.0660. https://www.arin.net/resources/guide/helpdesk/ <https://www.arin.net/resources/guide/helpdesk/>) 

I don’t have questions in this process at all. I’ve had opinions and we disagree. I’ve expressed my opinions and you’ve expressed yours.


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