[arin-ppml] 8.2 transfer - abandonment rate

Sean Hopkins shopkins at arin.net
Fri Apr 16 14:24:27 EDT 2021

Hi David,

Regarding your request, please see:

8.2. Transfers by Status:
[cid:image001.png at 01D732C8.2A476910]

8.2. Abandoned Transfers Before/After Payment
[cid:image002.png at 01D732C8.2A476910]

*Note: A good percentage of the abandoned after payment were due to a need to either change the type of transfer or the receiving OrgID and were eventually completed.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Sean Hopkins
Senior Policy Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers

On Apr 14, 2021, at 1:01 PM, David Huberman <david.huberman at icann.org> wrote:


I have a stats request please, for the purposes of determining if there is an opportunity for policy to assist the community.

Is there a reasonable way to measure “abandonment rate” of 8.2 transfers for a recent 12 month period?  Some calculus that takes into account approved/denied/closed where closed is mostly because the parties stopped responding.  And are there any historical measurements of this we could compare the new numbers to?  My fuzzy memory seems to think ARIN used to have some abandonment stats on transfers, but I may be incorrect.

Thank you!
(speaking for myself, not my employer)

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