[arin-ppml] FYI - Consultation on ARIN Fees

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Fri Apr 9 16:18:47 EDT 2021

Folks -

As noted in the attached announcement, we’re starting a new consultation over on the arin-consult mailing list regarding ARIN’s 2022 fee schedule – please join and participate if you have interest in that topic.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers


Begin forwarded message:

From: ARIN <info at arin.net<mailto:info at arin.net>>
Subject: [arin-announce] Consultation on ARIN Fees
Date: 9 April 2021 at 4:10:33 PM EDT
To: "arin-announce at arin.net<mailto:arin-announce at arin.net>" <arin-announce at arin.net<mailto:arin-announce at arin.net>>

ARIN’s Fee Schedule has always been based on the principle of equitable cost recovery across our community through a stable and consistent fee schedule. In general, this means that ARIN has avoided making routine changes to the Fee Schedule (for example, making annual readjustments for changing costs) and instead has only made changes when deemed necessary.

We are consulting with the community regarding changes to the ARIN Fee Schedule that are intended for implementation in January of 2022. These changes are:

   * Transitioning End Users from annual per-resource maintenance fees to the RSP (Registration Services Plan) Fee Schedule

   * Transitioning Legacy resource holders from annual per-resource maintenance fees to the RSP Fee Schedule while maintaining the annual cap of total maintenance fees (which will increase $25 per year)

   * Providing a temporary IPv6 fee waiver for organizations in the 3X-Small category that desire a larger address block

   * Implementing a $100 fee for OrgCreate and OrgRecovery transactions

   * Increasing the transfer processing fee to $500

As the use of the ARIN registry continues to grow, we continue to invest in our services in order to meet the changing needs. One significant change we have seen with the runout of IPv4 is the maturity of the transfer market, a development which has enabled better overall utilization of the fixed IPv4 address space and led to reutilization of IPv4 resource assignments to meet the growing needs of organizations of all types. ARIN provides equivalent services to end users and ISP customers, but it has had two very distinct fee schedules due to historical difference in use. For example, our investment in the ARIN Internet Routing Registry (IRR), Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) and DNSSEC services improve network security across the Internet and are being used by all types of ARIN customers. However, in many cases, organizations receiving similar services from ARIN are paying significantly different fees today – for example, two hosting companies each with the same 65,000 IPv4 addresses (/16) may find that one is paying more than 25 times as much as the other despite receiving the same services from ARIN.

In 2022, ARIN will transition all customers to the RSP fee schedule based on total IPv4 and IPv6 resources held. This change will ensure costs are distributed in an equitable manner by eliminating the current fee differentiation between ISP and end user organizations.

The proposed fee change also brings those with resources issued before the formation of ARIN (legacy resource holders) into the new Fee Schedule, thus providing for uniform treatment of all ARIN customers. Legacy resource holders have enjoyed a cap on total registry maintenance fees, and this continues to be applied under the new Fee Schedule, although it is also made clear that the total cap will increase $25 per year, thus recognizing the contribution of the earliest Internet pioneers while enabling a long-term transition to equitable fees for all.

In addition, it has been recognized that the increased numbers of transfers and related organizational record changes take significant ARIN resources, and could result in extended processing times without appropriate resources. This is addressed with fee changes in those specific transaction types to allow ARIN to continue to continue to provide timely services with equitable cost recovery.

Finally, in response to a suggestion from the community, the ARIN Board of Trustees proposes a temporary waiver with regard to fees applicable to those requesting very small IPv6 blocks in order to avoid a fee category change, and the new Fee Schedule includes a specific waiver to address this situation.

These changes have the added benefit of allowing ARIN to maintain robust and redundant operational infrastructures, so that we can guarantee our services are online and accessible at all times. It will also allow ARIN to continue to develop and provide the high-quality services demanded by our customers and the Internet community, including our routing security services which are increasingly crucial to all of our customers.

Please view the proposed 2022 Fee Schedule at:

This consultation will remain open for 30 days, after which a summary will be provided to the Board of Trustees for their consideration.

Please provide comments to arin-consult at arin.net. You can subscribe to this mailing list at:

Discussion on arin-consult at arin.net will close on 10 May.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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