[arin-ppml] [EXT] Re: Open Petition for ARIN-prop-266: BGP Hijacking is an ARIN Policy Violation

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Sun May 5 00:41:47 EDT 2019

In message <F04ED1585899D842B482E7ADCA581B8472A70BB6 at newserver.arneill-py.local
Michel Py <michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> wrote:

>And now this comes, which is going to scare the bleep out of everyone who
>has to deal with these issues in the real world.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

If univeral RPKI deployment is really The Solution, as many appear to
claim, then maybe it's time that some folks had the bleep scared out of
them in order to make it actually happen.  I mean universally.

I confess to being woefully ignorant of all this.  So if Michael or anyone
wants to enlighten me about what the hold up is, and why we don't already
have universal RPKI deployment, I'm all ears.

Personally, I am not wedded to any specific solution.  I just want the
obvious and abundant routing problem(s) solved.  Any port in a storm.


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