[arin-ppml] [EXT] Re: Open Petition for ARIN-prop-266: BGP Hijacking is an ARIN Policy Violation

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Sat Apr 27 03:23:11 EDT 2019

Hi Owen,

El 27/4/19 9:00, "Owen DeLong" <owen at delong.com> escribió:

    Speaking only as a member of the community and based only on my understanding of the PDP from reading it on the ARIN web site. If ARIN staff, the board, or the chair of the AC have a differing opinion, my words below should be considered in err.
    Close… You are absolutely correct that the petition is not about the proposal’s merits (or lack thereof).
    In this case, the petition is actually to request that the ARIN Board review the AC decision. If the ARIN board reverses the AC decision that the proposal is out of scope, I believe it goes onto the AC Docket as a draft policy, though I’m not 100% sure whether it then remains under the editorial control of the authors (as would be the case for a petition against abandonment or delay) or whether it goes under the editorial control of the AC as is the case with a draft policy that didn’t become a draft through the petition process.

Authors already have a new version ready (being published in RIPE in a matter of hours/days), so it will be the logic thing, that if the petition is accepted, we can update it. I think this is in the scope of the PDP.
    To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time this particular type of petition has been exercised.
    It is possible that the board will uphold the AC decision, in which case, I believe that’s the end of the process and the proposal remains off the docket.
    This is documented in section 3.2.1 of the PDP available at https://www.arin.net/participate/policy/pdp/#2-valid-petitions

Having read that several times (and it is not a very clear process, and have clear failures, such as 5 natural days for the petition, including weekend, bank holidays, etc. ... in this case also the 1st of those days was national holiday for one of the authors, and the last day is holiday in many countries), and to be honest, as already said, I don't link this process vs other RIRs PDPs (which of course aren't perfect, but at least they are not being a "representative" system for the community). 
    I hope this is helpful information.
    > On Apr 26, 2019, at 23:44 , JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via ARIN-PPML <arin-ppml at arin.net> wrote:
    > Hi Michel,
    > This proposal is being discussed already in RIPE and LACNIC and we are working in the relevant changes for versions to be submitted in AFRINIC and APNIC.
    > As I understand the petition process is not for the proposal merits, but just to be able to follow the process with it, so it can be discussed in the list.
    > Regards,
    > Jordi
    > El 27/4/19 4:02, "ARIN-PPML en nombre de Michel Py" <arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net en nombre de michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> escribió:
    >> Bill Herrin wrote :
    >> I oppose the proposed policy, but I think it reasonable for us to occasionally
    >> discuss and evaluate whether ARIN should be Internet-Cop in some novel new way.
    >    I oppose the proposed policy because I have very little faith in ARIN being Internet-Cop in some novel new way that I have not seen yet.
    >    Occasionally discuss sounds good, but what is novel here ? For this to work, it would have to be a joint all-RIR effort. I don't see any traction here, would someone comment on similar proposals in the other RIRs ?
    >    Michel
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