[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2014-21: Modification to CI Pool Size per Section 4.4

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Thu Jan 8 23:51:22 EST 2015

On Dec 25, 2014, at 4:26 PM, Martin Hannigan <hannigan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll point this list at a public viewable URL to a proper thread there. Not sure why people need to actually subscribe, either way. I also can't force (and won't advocate) people to waste their time like that on either list. 
> There are AC members there. They too can report their observations back to the Politburo. I'm sure you'll be well informed. 

Martin - 

Insights are welcome from any source, and particularly from those who 
have operational experience germane to the number resource policy
under consideration.  If the only goal is having these insights considered
during discussion, then having yourself or an AC member bring those 
points they feel relevant to the PPML discussion should suffice.

As I have noted earlier, to the extent that OIX participants wish their 
support to be included in the discussion summary counts, that will 
require them to actually participate in the discussion on the Public 
Policy Mailing List (as per the ARIN Policy Development Process.)


John Curran
President and CEO

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