[arin-ppml] Against 2013-4

Jimmy Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 20:11:48 EDT 2013

On 6/5/13, Seth Mattinen <sethm at rollernet.us> wrote:
> On 6/5/13 4:44 PM, Steven Ryerse wrote:
>> The needs based policies will need to be constantly tightened "to keep
>> from running out".
> Exactly why do you advocate that?

I think the implementation of policy shifts to stricter and stricter
review and requirements,
is already an established fact, not  a proposal?

Something that happens anyways,  but still doesn't stop exhaustion;
just a small delay.

Isn't  continuously "tightening the needs based policies"  what the
"IPV4 Countdown plan" is all about?

"All requests of any size will be subject to team review."
"The hold period for returned, reclaimed, and revoked blocks will be
reduced to one month."

I read this as   "a higher standard of need"  and  "higher standard of
proof"   will  be required, as the pool shrinks;  divided into 4

> ~Seth

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