[arin-ppml] Statistics for NRPM 8.3 Transfers

Jimmy Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 13:20:57 EDT 2012

On 6/29/12, John Curran <jcurran at arin.net> wrote:
> On Jun 29, 2012, at 3:00 PM, jeffmehlenbacher at ipv4marketgroup.com wrote:
> Jeff -
>   We're happy to collect any metrics that the community
>   can agree upon, and would encourage discussion of the
>   appropriate set.
I would suggest....

For each metric:   Variables: number of requests  received,  number of
requests completed, number of requests pending but not resolved,
number of requests rejected or deferred pending additional
justification,  number of requests permanently rejected or withdrawn

       For each variable,  daily minimum,  maximum,  mean, median, and stddev;
       in the number of requests falling in that category  for
received, completed, rejected/deferred,  and  for the size of  the
requests    in that status for that day, in
terms of number of IPv4 addresses  (block size),
      AND number of blocks  and total IPs per request.

   2013/01                 xxx   free pool requests received
                                          block size of received
requests   min=xxx,  max=xxx, avg=xxx,
                                                mean=xxx,  median=xxx,
                                          number of blocks in received
requests   min=xxx,  max=xxx, avg=xxx,
                                                mean=xxx,  median=xxx,
                                          total size of the requests
(number of IPs)   min=xxx,  max=xxx, avg=xxx,
                                                mean=xxx,  median=xxx,

                                 xxx   free pool requests completed
                                          block size of completed
requests  min=........
                                 xxx   free pool requests pending/rejected
                                 xxxx   8.2 transfer requests received

Categories of requests to count separately:
For Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly,

aggregated number of IPv4 address transfer requests for each unique
transfer originator and each unique transfer recipient,  and the
statistics regarding the number of IPv4 addresses that they hold
before and after transfers  on that date  (min, max, mean, median,
for example
   Yearly  2013
                Transfer originator,  resources held prior to
transfers during the period  avg=xxx min=xxx max=xxx med=xxx
                Transfer originator,  resources held after all
transfers in the period  avg=xxx min=xxx max=xxx med=xxx  stddev=xxx
                Transfer recipient, ...

 number of IPv4 address transfer requests to be received by an
organization with no current RIR allocation or assignment.
        Average  minimum,  maximum,  mean,  stddev  IP address count
of all IPv4 assigned resources held by the transfer originator and the
transfer recipient prior to the transfer.
        Average  minimum,  maximum,  mean,  stddev  IP address count
of all IPv4 allocated resources held by the transfer originator and
the transfer recipient prior to the transfer.

Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly,

 number of new IPv4 resource allocation, free pool requests   & block
size stats.

 number of IPv4 address returns to ARIN  & block size stats..

  number of voluntary IPv4 address return requests to ARIN by (L)RSA
signed resources  not  required by an aggregation request  & block
size stats..

 number of voluntary Legacy IPv4 address return requests   & block size stats..

  number of IPv4 address aggregation requests,  with return of
addresses required and equal allocation size  & block size stats.

 number of IPv4 address aggregation requests,  with return of
addresses required and reduced allocation size  & block size stats.

 number of IPv4 address aggregation requests,  with return of
addresses required and increased allocation size  & block size stats.

 number of transfers of any type   & block size stats.

 number of transfers facilitated through the ARIN STLS  & block size stats;
 require  that transfer recipients indicate the means that they used
to discover
 that resources were available,  so that it is known if STLS
facilitated the transfer being requested or not.

  number of transfer requests between different RIRs  inbound,
outbound,  & block size stats.

  number of 8.2 transfer requests   & block size stats.

Number of 8.2 transfer requests  of ISP allocations  & block size stats.

Number of 8.2 transfer requests  of end user assignments  & block size stats.

 number of all 8.3 transfer requests

  number of 8.3 transfer requests where a Legacy network assignment is
requested to convert to an  assignment for transfer to an end user   &
block size stats.

  number of 8.3 transfer requests where a Legacy network assignment is
requested to convert to an allocation for an ISP transfer recipient
& block size stats.

   number of 8.3 transfer requests where an ARIN allocation already
under RSA is requested to convert to an end user assignment  for the
recipient   & block size stats.

  number of 8.3 transfer requests where an ARIN assignment already
under RSA is requested to convert to an allocation for the ISP   &
block size stats.

   number of 8.3 transfer requests of any type  for transfer to a
provider allocation
   number of 8.2 transfer requests of any type  for transfer to a
provider allocation

   number transfer requests of any type where an assignment remains an
  number transfer requests of any type where an allocation remains an allocation

   number transfer requests of any type where an allocation is
requested to convert to an assignment for an end user

   number transfer requests of any type where an assignment is
requested to be converted to an allocation for an ISP


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