[arin-ppml] New Policy Proposal

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Thu Aug 16 11:30:14 EDT 2012

On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:18 AM, Bill Sandiford <bill at telnetcommunications.com> wrote:

>> Given that addresses from these per-node pools are dynamically allocated to subscribers, is it possible for the cable company to reprovision
>> the address space from the ISP's other underutilized nodes as needed?  (This is what is expected from all other ISPs in similar situations under the present policy.)
> Good question.  Unfortunately the answer is no.  In most cases the allocations on the other underutilized nodes is already a /29, so reprovisioning those other nodes to a /30 isn't practical.  To my knowledge the cable companies require all nodes to be numbered.

Understood, and thanks for the explanation!

John Curran
President and CEO

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