[arin-ppml] An article of interest to the community....

David Farmer farmer at umn.edu
Wed Sep 14 10:00:40 EDT 2011

On 9/14/11 06:10 CDT, Matthew Kaufman wrote:

> Which just leads to the question: Why does 8.3 have a restriction to
> just IPv4? I know of at least one case where some limited assets and an
> AS number were transferred, but nothing else... 8.3 should be usable for
> AS numbers as well.

Fundamentally, there isn't a lot of reason to limit 8.3 to only IPv4. 
However fundamentally, there isn't a lot reason to allow it for IPv6 or 
ASNs either.  As Owen said, if you need IPv6 or an ASN you can get them 
from ARIN, and soon that won't be possible for IPv4.

The only real reason for the limit, from my point of view, is that IPv4 
transfers are necessary now or soon, IPv6 and ASNs weren't, allowing 
transfers at all was controversial enough, and it was worth arguing 
about for IPv6 and ASNs.

Personally I'm not opposed to the idea transfers for IPv6 or ASNs, but I 
don't support distracting the community with arguing about it, at least 
while we are dealing with IPv4 exhaustion.  But I'm open to listening to 
arguments as to why that's being short sighted or just bad policy.

David Farmer               Email:farmer at umn.edu
Networking & Telecommunication Services
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota	
2218 University Ave SE	    Phone: 612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952

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