[arin-ppml] Draft proposal that needs some wordsmithing

Ray Hunter v6ops at globis.net
Fri May 6 15:09:08 EDT 2011

Mike Burns wrote:
> I understand that you feel the global address allocation is unfair,
> Regards,
> Mike 
It's not just that I think it's unfair: I think this is very likely 
going to harm US corporations and ARIN members.

If your potential customers in APNIC haven't got any IPv4 address, 
they're likely to migrate to IPv6.

If US corporations have not gone dual stack IPv6 on their external web 
sites, and instead are obtaining and hoarding IPv4 addresses within the 
ARIN region to make IPv4 "last forever," they're not going to be able to 
advertise or sell or download any products to those potential customers 

Communication takes two parties. Attempting to keep all the IPv4 
addresses in the US is not going to help international communication, 
which is an essential precursor to international trade.

This should also be naked self interest and free market thinking by the 
US corporations (and anyone else who wants to reduce the trade deficit 
via International trade)

As I said, no need to put me in the anti-free-market camp.

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