[arin-ppml] Fw: Accusation of fundamental, conflictofinterest/IPaddresspolicypitched directly to ICANN

Eric Brunner-Williams ebw at abenaki.wabanaki.net
Tue May 3 15:50:13 EDT 2011

taking a few comments spread over a myrid of notes ...

> My interest is in having a market for the buying and selling of IP addresses free from government and psuedo-government ...

a [IDEOLOGICAL] tag on the subject line would be appropriate.

> ... a informed higher authority ...

the existence of which is an assumption that is not actually proved.

> I think that is like expecting Network Solutions to have voted for competing DNS registrars

the expression of opinion, absent a reference to competition policy, 
in the late 90s, or the present, is not convincing, nor, in the 
example offered, correct.

> But nobody seems too sure what that higher authority is ...

i hadn't observed a question asked, only an assertion that an answer 
existed, in a specific form.


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