[arin-ppml] ICP2 and the role of ARIN in an ipv4 address market

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Tue Apr 19 17:30:32 EDT 2011

On Apr 19, 2011, at 5:18 PM, Milton L Mueller wrote:
> In that regard, I view John's invocation of ICP2 as off-target. 
> ICP2 is about how to establish a new RIR. What is on the table now is not a new RIR, but a different regulatory model for the existing RIR in the North American region. ICP2 is completely irrelevant to the problem we face once legacy holders start to sell address blocks to others who may or may not choose to enter into an RSA with ARIN.

Milton - 
To the extent that ARIN adopts policies that, within the region, create
additional registry-like entities, would not the following language apply?

"The proposed RIR must operate internationally in a large geographical region of approximately continental size.
 Each region should be served by a single RIR, established under one management and in one location. The establishment of multiple RIRs in one region is likely to lead to:

   • fragmentation of address space allocated to the region;
   • difficulty for co-ordination and co-operation between the RIRs;
   • confusion for the community within the region.

 The internal administrative or membership structure of an RIR must also not be such as to cause any of these effects. "

As ARIN must use caution today in making decisions about its internal structure 
to avoid these effects, there is little doubt that the policy is quite real and 

> The RIR model assumes a territorially exclusive address allocation and post-registration services entity, one that is exactly like the ones we have now. Benson S.'s proposal was not for a new RIR ...


> nor are the Denuo/Addrex people proposing a new RIR.

This is unstated at present.

> They are proposing to alter the relationship between the address registry/allocation function and the Whois and other post-allocation services functions.

Would such a change introduce any of the impacts shown above?  If not, 
please explain how such impacts are to be avoided, since ARIN will need
to show how participating in such a change does not cause any of them.


John Curran
President and CEO

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