[arin-ppml] ARIN-prop-139 No reassignment without networkservice

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue Apr 12 20:28:44 EDT 2011

On Apr 12, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Matthew Kaufman wrote:

> On 4/12/2011 5:10 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> 5) I sell you cheap and limited Internet transit over a GRE tunnel, but my only connectivity is a single peer at a regional exchange, so you can't get to "the whole Internet" without using the LOA and multihoming (which I allow)
>> I think so, but, I would have to ask ARIN staff.
> Lets do that.
>>> 6) I sell you a "network service" over a GRE tunnel which lets you access a few servers I run in RFC1918 space that you can store backups on, I let you use a /20 of my space at your end to access those servers, and I give you an LOA so you can also use this space with your other transit provider.
>> I believe so, but, I would have to ask ARIN staff.
> And this.
>>> 7) We forget the above GRE tunnel nonsense because it is a waste of time to pretend we actually set it up, I sell you use of a /20 of my space and give you the LOA.
>> No.
> Ok. How about:
> 8) I sell you a "network service" which lets you access a few servers I run in public address space that you can store backups on. I let you use a /20 of my space at your end to access those servers, but I don't have a circuit or tunnel to you... you just use IP routing to reach them. Since I don't provide you with a circuit, I give you an LOA so you can use this space with some other transit provider.
I tend to doubt it. That's not "network service", that's "service over a network". Certainly the intent of the policy is to preclude
such a workaround.


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