[arin-ppml] V6 address allocation policy

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Mon Jan 18 16:19:51 EST 2010

On Jan 18, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> In a message written on Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:17:17PM -0800, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:
>> On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:14:56 -0500, Martin Hannigan <marty at akamai.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> The fee issue is a Red Herring.
>>> Smallest V4 Allocation Fee: $1250.00 /21 or longer (2048 unique  
>>> addresses)
>>> Smallest V6 Allocation Fee: $1250.00 /48 or longer (154.7425049  
>>> septillion addresses)
>>> Section 11 of the NRPM also defines experimental allocations for both  
>>> v4 and v6 and there is a fee schedule supporting it.
>> It must be really nice to work for a company where
>> a mere $1250 doesn't matter.  Sure wish I did.
>> Around here, anything over $99 is most unlikely to
>> be approved, especially in the last year.  Or maybe
>> you live on another planet?
> From https://www.arin.net/fees/fee_schedule.html:
>  IPv4 and IPv6 Allocation Annual Subscription Renewal
>  Organizations issued or transferred both IPv4 and IPv6 allocations by
>  ARIN under a single Org ID pay the larger of the two annual renewal
>  fees.
> I think ARIN should make this bold, blink, and bright red, at least
> until the page can be rewritten so this is much more clear.
> t=0: Pay $1250 "initial allocation" for an IPv4 /21.
> t=1: Pay $1250 "renewal" for an IPv4 /21.
> t=2: Pay $1250 "renewal" for an IPv4 /21.
>     Pay $0 for an IPv6 /48.
Um, anyone who would be paying $1250 renewal for an IPv4 /21 is not
eligible to get an IPv6 /48 under current policy.  They would get an
IPv6 /32.

>     "ARIN charges a fee for the initial IPv6 allocation from ARIN to an ISP.
>      This fee is currently waived for IPv4 subscribers. For organizations
>      that aren't IPv4 subscribers, the fee is lowered by current fee waivers."
> t=3: Pay $1250, the max of:
>        $1250 for the IPv4 renewal
>        $1250 for the IPv6 renewal
>     "Organizations issued or transferred both IPv4 and IPv6 allocations by
>      ARIN under a single Org ID pay the larger of the two annual renewal
>      fees."
Just to be clear: This timeline and pricing applies to ISPs.

The same timeline for end users looks like this:

t=0: Pay $500 "ASN assignment"
t=0: Pay $1250 "initial assignment" for an IPv4 /22
t=1: Pay $100 "renewal" for an IPv4 /22 and an ASN
t=2: Pay $1250 "initial assignment" for an IPv6 /48
t=3: pay $100 renewal for an IPv4 /22, an IPv6 /48 and an ASN

> Now, let's compare with the cost of just doing IPv4, which would
> be $1250 per year.  Humm, let's see, it costs $0 more to get IPv6
> address space (right now).
> So, let's try this again.  Will your manager approve $0?
So, let's try this again, since the person in question was talking about
an enterprise network... It's $1250 more, ONCE to get that IPv6.
There was a time when there was a discount on the initial assignments
of IPv6 space.  I got my /48 for $500 early in that process.

Personally, I'm in favor of bringing back the assignment discounts,
but, that really is an arin-discuss topic and not a PPML topic.


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