[arin-ppml] IPv6 /32 minimum for extra-small ISP

NOC at ChangeIP.com NOC at ChangeIP.com
Tue Apr 13 15:16:00 EDT 2010

> From: "Ted Mittelstaedt" <tedm at ipinc.net>
> The problem is that even if you got an extremely small allocation that
> as soon as you advertise it, you consume the same amount of routing
> resources on everyone else's BGP router on the Internet, that someone
> with a larger allocation has who is advertising theirs.  Thus it is not
> fair to base pricing solely on the amount of numbering.

ARIN sets the pricing based on routing slots?  I thought ARIN was 
disentangled from the routing aspect of it.

Also, why do they even bother listing x-small fees for ISP allocations if 
you can't even get it.


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