[arin-ppml] Simplified IPv6 policy

Scott Leibrand scottleibrand at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 16:32:29 EST 2009

On 12/23/2009 1:10 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> William Herrin wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> I think your proposal offers a major improvement on existing IPv6 
>> policy.
>> Problems addressed by your proposal:
>> * Enables effective TE filtering where ISPs determine that
>> disaggregate TE is undesirable.
>> * Unifies ISP/end-user policy so that all organizations are treated 
>> fairly
> I'll disagree a tiny bit; I do think it's fair (and maybe we should) 
> discriminate between sites that multihome and those that do not. The 
> "200 users" policy and "what's an ISP" are harder to quantify. Whether 
> or not a site is multihomed is a simple metric.

I think this proposal preserves the multihomed / non-multihomed 
distinction (while eliminating the distinction between multihomed ISPs 
and multihomed end user networks, for example).  Do you feel that the 
proposal makes / fails to make any distinctions it shouldn't/should?

I'm looking forward to your feedback on the proposal itself.


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