[arin-ppml] Abandonment of 103/104

Seth Mattinen sethm at rollernet.us
Tue Dec 22 20:22:31 EST 2009

Owen DeLong wrote:
> As one of the members of the AC who voted to abandon these proposals, I will
> state that my reasoning was as follows:
> 1.	Basing address policy solely on the amount of money you are willing
> 	to spend for addresses is completely contrary to my understanding of
> 	the good of the community.
> 2.	Crafting internet addressing policy with the clear intent of making it easy
> 	for larger networks to treat smaller networks or networks with smaller
> 	budgets as second-class citizens by easily relegating them into a
> 	filtration category based solely on assignment size is contrary to my
> 	understanding of the good of the community.

While I agree with your disagreement on class separation by how much 
money you have, I do believe that IPv6 lends itself to classful-ness and 
trying to apply IPv4 style justification to IPv6 is inherently broken.


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