[arin-ppml] SWIPs & IPv6

James Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 17:00:00 EST 2009

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

>[...] If an auto license could be costlessly mapped to personal contact info, we all know that there would be serious abuses due to road rage, stalking, theft, etc.

However,  IP assignments with  ARIN are not mapped to personal info.
They are mapped to CONTACTS  for a business organization.  This is a
person,  a business address, and business phone number.

You will see things like   e.g.  Microsoft:  "One Redmond Way,  WA, 98052".
This is not someone's home address.    Publishing this does not pose
any stalking risk.

This type of information is public record already;  every business
will have some sort of registration on file with the government.    In
 most states/countries, this type of public record can be freely
viewed for businesses, without paying any fees.

By definition,  the organization determines what contact information to publish.
They don't have to publish THE sensitive contact information.  They
can choose to publish the contact that is not sensitive,  or   "Get
the address that they are allowed to publish without privacy concerns"

They just have to publish A valid contact information for  suitably
reaching a responsible individual,  for each resource.

This is different from mapping an  AUTO license to a Home Address,  or
Home Phone number.       Contacts for ARIN resources  are (generally)
not chosen to be home addresses or   home phone numbers.

If all else fails,  they can open a PO Box,  if they are concerned.
Provided they check it frequently,  _allowing contacts_  and
communications regarding their resources  by providing information
that can be used to reliably contact them,  while releasing only
"safe"  information is  the    internet resource   recipient's
problem and expense to solve.


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