[arin-ppml] SWIPs & IPv6

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Fri Dec 4 10:55:43 EST 2009

This is precisely what I fear. An expansive definition of the RIRs role can easily make them enforcement arms of the copyright industry . RIRs should serve a very narrow purpose and any additional loading of functions onto them must come from laws enacted by representative legislators subject t constitutional constraints, not by little bands of engineers trying to be "helpful" 
From: arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net [arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net] On Behalf Of John Curran [jcurran at arin.net]

Chris - There's several reasons that have been cited in the past for having to know the holder of a block, and while that includes the law enforcement angle, there's also abuse & copyright mitigation, operational attack response, and end-to-end network problem diagnosis.  I haven't been running a network personally in a few years, so I don't know the extent to which these are still valid but mention them for consideration.

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