[arin-ppml] ARIN Audits (was SWIPs & IPv6)

Martin Hannigan marty at akamai.com
Tue Dec 1 17:56:16 EST 2009

On Dec 1, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

[ clip ]
> Stan, this kind of question is kind of like asking the local police
> department what their criminal profiling criteria is.  My hope is that
> if ARIN chooses to answer you, that they do so privately.
> Ted

My accountants know what will flag me for an IRS audit. My attorney  
knows what will inflame a judge. There's nothing wrong with having  
some published triggers for audits. It's a deterrent to bad actors in  
my humble opinion and could help guide people towards doing things  
right i.e. "not having updated swip data .." or "too many subsequent  
requests in a short period.." etc.


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