[arin-ppml] The AC has a job to do with 2009-1, can you please help?

Micah Anderson micah at riseup.net
Mon Apr 6 20:51:04 EDT 2009

* Scott Beuker <Scott.Beuker at sjrb.ca> [2009-04-06 19:24-0400]:
> As someone who struggles to find the time to read all of the PPML,
> I've longed for a while now for some kind of system that rewards
> brevity. I generally find participation pointless because a small,
> very vocal group tend to force their opinions with sheer quantity.
> By the time I've caught up to the backlog, the list has moved on to
> the next topic.

I couldn't agree more. There have been so many posts to this list lately
that I've been forced to ignore most of them, and I fear that doing so I
am tacitly giving some kind of passive consensus to something that I
might not otherwise support.

I can't handle a digest either, but perhaps a periodic summary of
postitions and arguments would be helpful before any major decision was

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