[ppml] "Who's afraid of IPv4 address depletion? Apparently no one."

Kevin Loch kloch at kl.net
Sun Feb 10 21:29:38 EST 2008

John Curran wrote:
> At 10:56 PM +0900 2/9/08, Randy Bush wrote:
>>> We haven't put the MX records in yet, but that is in progress.
>> and you don't seem to have the AAAAs for the nameservers.  when you do, you may have some hope of getting glue at the parent, as you use netsol as a registrar.  but do tell how that one goes.
>>From the Nanog thread, it's clear the versign/registry can handle such,
> so if it's just phone loops with netsol/registrar to get them to push the
> glue, I've got quite a bit of patience...  I'll make sure to provide any
> updates/insights to Jeroen for the Sixxs-IPv6glue page.  Who knows,
> if we end up changing registrars over it, it'll be one more data point
> for netsol to consider support.

I just went through this with Enom.  Their web app lets you
set IPv6 OR IPv4 address glue for nameservers but not both at the
same time.  A support ticket was resolved within 24 hours with
some engineer manually adding the AAAA record.

- Kevin

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