[ppml] "Who's afraid of IPv4 address depletion? Apparently noone."

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Sat Feb 9 10:16:01 EST 2008

At 10:05 AM -0500 2/9/08, Howard, W. Lee wrote:
>I'm an ISP customer.  My IPv4 network isn't growing (maybe
>I add a /28 per year).  Tell me why I care about IPv6.

You don't, until some ISP is wedged in such a tight corner that
they need to connect new customers with just IPv6 (because
they can't seem to obtain&route additional IPv4 space at any
realistic cost).

Your organization is likely to be able to get email to and from
new-co-IPv6-only and hopefully have them reach your website
via proxy (if the ISP is making an effort to minimize the pain),
but they won't be able to run any other applications which need
end-to-end IP...   Does this matter to you?  I guess it depends on
how a given business interacts with its suppliers and customers.


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