[ppml] Effects of explosive routing table growth on ISP behavior

Scott Leibrand sleibrand at internap.com
Wed Oct 31 14:33:40 EDT 2007

Brian Johnson wrote:
> Scott Leibrand wrote:
>> If by "require" you mean "enforce", then you're probably right.
>> However, if by "require" you mean "state what should happen" there is
>> precedent: the IPv6 guidelines say you have to announce your allocation as a single netblock.
> Question: Does it say you cannot advertise smaller portions as well as
> the larger block?

There's some debate on that, but as I read it, no.  My understanding is 
that you're free to advertise subnets longer than /32 out of PA space, 
but other networks are free to filter them.

I think it may eventually be necessary to move toward something similar 
for IPv4, but it's not all that urgent just yet.


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