[ppml] ripe-55/presentations/bush-ipv6-transition.pdf

michael.dillon at bt.com michael.dillon at bt.com
Sat Oct 27 04:27:57 EDT 2007

> Things to encourage:
> - transparency of operation of the market
> - blind, double-blind, or N-tuple blind market
> - separation of the two sides of the market, i.e. those 
> selling blocks and those buying, by RIR-type entity (who is 
> also "blind")

How does this blindness fit with "transparency of operation". In any
case, it will always be known who was the registered owner of an address
block, and who is the new registered owner so unless you keep the
identity of the address secret, there will be no blindness. And if the
addresses are secret, then it becomes risky to buy them because not all
addresses are equal.

> It's a highly non-trivial kind of thing to delve into, but 
> IMHO something which can work very well, *and* actually has 
> some chance to improve the aggregation situation in IPv4.

It sounds like the time is long past when we could have set up such a
market because it is a non-trivial exercise and we have only two or
three years of supply left.

In addition, the cost of setting up such a complex and highly regulated
market has to be weighed against the cost of IPv6 transition, given the
abundant supply of free IPv6 addresses.

--Michael Dillon

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