[ppml] IPv6 annual fee waivers

Jon Lewis jlewis at lewis.org
Tue May 22 14:09:46 EDT 2007

It seems several times the ARIN BoT has extended the IPv6 fee waiver.  I 
just started looking at the ARIN web site to see what would be involved in 
getting an IPv6 allocation to start playing around with, and the first 
thing I noticed was the annual fee waiver expires again in December of 
this year.  After that, barring another fee waiver extension, we'll be 
paying an additional couple thousand a year for IPv6 address space we're 
probably not going to be using to generate any revenue.

Has any consideration been given to making the annual fee for ARIN IP 
space whichever of the IPv4 or IPv6 fees for a particular organization is 
greater?  i.e. We currently pay $4500/year for IPv4 space.  If we were to 
get an IPv6 /32, the annual fee for that is $2250.  But since we're 
already paying $4500, the $2250 gets waived.

Charging each ARIN member an additional couple thousand a year (or even 
just the threat of it by continually extending the IPv6 fee waiver a year 
at a time) is, IMO, not conducive to encouraging ISPs to start learning to 
use and deploy IPv6.

  Jon Lewis                   |  I route
  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
  Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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