[ppml] [address-policy-wg] Re: article about IPv6 vs firewalls vs NAT in arstechnica (seen on slashdot)

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Tue May 22 11:41:35 EDT 2007

> 4 years from now, there will be an active IPv4 address space market,
> whatever about ipv6.


what amazes me is the lack of real work on the problem that a a jillion
v6-only sites can not connect to the internet in a useful scalable way.
 without that, everyone will continue to need ipv4 space for a loooooong
time.  and it will be sliced and diced, and bought and sold, in smaller
and smaller pieces.  and nats will be ubiquitous, as if they were not
already.  this is not a pleasing picture.  but it's the likely reality.


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