[ppml] ARIN Board Advises Internet Community on Migrationto IPv6

Stephen Sprunk stephen at sprunk.org
Tue May 22 01:00:15 EDT 2007

Thus spake Anthony A. Crumb
> I am sure that I will not be able to justify more than one /48
> globally routable prefix for my US internet presence. Because
> the last 64 bits of the address are required for interface
> identifiers that only leaves me with 16 bits with which to create
> a hierarchical enterprise address allocation model. 16 bit of
> subnetting space is not enough to create subnet allocation
> model for a large enterprise.

If you have a reasonable justification for why you need more bits, ARIN will 
give them to you.  At present, since there are no policy guidelines, ARIN is 
approving all requests for more than a /48.  They are collecting a rationale 
before doing so to provide the community with information about what future 
policy should look like, but it currently doesn't factor into the decision 

> When are we going to see an end to the debate over ULA-
> Central and ULA-Local? I have been working with RFC4193
> "random" method to create address space for my internal
> networks but I do not want to move forward with deployment
> until there is some "ratified" RFC in place that helps to guild
> my address allocation strategy. To be blunt I don't have time to
> go through the effort of building a design just to have to rework
> it because the space the RFC4193 defines and ULA-Local
> gets broken up and allocated to RIRs, LIRs, ISPs, and or
> carriers to hand out as ULA-Central. I want to adopt v6 and
> get started but I can't afford false starts and rework.

ULA is assigned FC00::/7.  ULA Local is defined for FC00::/8, and ULA 
Central, if it passes, will be FD00::/8.  The latter is a potential 
complement to the former, not a replacement, so you can use ULA Local 
without any fears of it being "broken up and allocated to RIRs [et al]".


Stephen Sprunk      "Those people who think they know everything
CCIE #3723         are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
K5SSS                                             --Isaac Asimov

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