[ppml] [address-policy-wg] Those pesky ULAs again

Anthony A. Crumb Crumb_Anthony_A at cat.com
Mon Jun 4 07:08:31 EDT 2007

ppml-bounces at arin.net wrote on 05/29/2007 09:58:36 AM:

> > - IPv6 space is not infinite.  It's a 64-72 bit address space.  That's
> >   right, subnets with > 256 hosts are very uncommon today, so we've 
> >   64 bits to number 256 things.  That makes the space effectively on 
> >   long end 72 bits.
> according to <http://www.ipv6conference.com/conference.htm>, i gave a 
> entitled "DHCPv6 - The Case Against Stateless Autoconfig" at 
> according to <http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/dhcp/dhcp4_0.php>, there's
> now code in "alpha test release" status to handle DHCPv6.
> imho, the days of EUI64 are numbered.  at home i'll probably use a /120 
> each LAN.  at work, we might splurge and use /96's.  not that a /56 
> enough for my house or anything, i just want the sparseful wastitude of 
> new address bits in IPV6 to all be at the top end.  i'm using a /124 for 
> T1, mostly to make the PTR's easy to write and read.

I agree that requireing the use of 64 bits for interface identifiers is a
monumental waste of address space. Is there a proposal of any type to 
the requirement to use EUI64 interface identifiers with globally routable 
address space?

> >   But more importantly, we have the T-Shirt from this exercise.
> >   Back in the 80's we gave out Class A's.  It was the right thing
> >   to do.
> was it?  DEC got on the basis of having 130000 employees and
> something like 10000 offices.  they turned in five class B's to get the 
> does anybody here think that DEC needed a class A by ARIN's current 
> standards?  this was a post-subnet, post-CIDR allocation.
> >   I predict with the current allocation procedures IPv6 will be
> >   "used up" in my lifetime.  I also predict the groups today getting
> >   /32's (and larger) will look like the legacy class A holders in
> >   20 years time.  When your doorknob automatically requests a ULA-C
> >   /64 when you bring it home, and your house has 2,000 of them as 
> >   individual system talks to each other we'll be looking at this quite
> >   differently.
> i include this only so that i can say, i nearly agree.  unless we have 
> IP architecture that splits EID/RID, those doorknobs will not be 
> reachable.  (not that this is a problem for doorknobs but it might be 
> microwave ovens or something.)
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