[ppml] Policy Proposal 2007-15: Authentication ofLegacyResources

David Conrad drc at virtualized.org
Mon Jul 30 18:19:44 EDT 2007

On Jul 30, 2007, at 2:56 PM, Keith Medcalf wrote:
> Water should never be rationed.  The most efficient place to store  
> water is inside your body.

So, you have 100 people and water for 50.

It isn't a question of storage, it is of allocation.  What would you  
propose?  FCFS?  "To each according to need"?  A market?

> Rationing is only *prudent* for things that have no actual importance.

Actually, rationing is a normal mechanism to cope with situations in  
which you have greater demand than supply, regardless of the  
importance of the resource.


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