[ppml] Policy Proposal: PIv6 for legacy holders with RSA andefficient use

Scott Leibrand sleibrand at internap.com
Mon Jul 30 16:59:09 EDT 2007

michael.dillon at bt.com wrote:
>> Yes, they will need to sign an RSA to cover their new IPv6 
>> allocation/assignment, but AFAIK they don't have to bring 
>> their IPv4 space under RSA, or demonstrate efficient use of 
>> their existing IPv4 space.  Those are the activities that 
>> this policy proposal would incent.
> The current RSA text refers to "number resources".  The text explicitly
> defines this term as follows:
>    Allocation/assignment of IP address space and assignment 
>    of ASNs shall hereinafter be defined as number resources.
> Note: the ARIN web site does have a search engine (see bottom right hand
> corner of web page) which will lead you to the RSA.

Perhaps ARIN counsel could address this question: Does signing the 
current RSA and receiving IPv6 addresses obligate the signer with 
regards to IPv4 addresses obtained before the formation of ARIN?

The RSA states that "Applicant must submit this Agreement and any 
requested accompanying information to ARIN to apply to receive and use 
certain services (“Services”) from ARIN, which may include, without 
limitation, an allocation/assignment of IP address space, assignment of 
Autonomous System numbers (“ASNs”), inverse addressing on network 
blocks, maintenance of network records, and administration of IP address 
space. Allocation/assignment of IP address space and assignment of ASNs 
shall hereinafter be defined as “number resources.”"

I'm not a lawyer, which is why I posed the question above to ARIN 
counsel, but I could read that paragraph, and other references to 
"number resources" throughout the RSA, as covering only the "number 
resources" received from ARIN.


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