[ppml] Just say *NO* to PI space -- or how to make it lessdestructive

Davis, Terry L terry.l.davis at boeing.com
Thu Apr 20 16:24:49 EDT 2006


> As the thread has pointed out, many major corporations are now in the
> position of the network is the business, even if it's not their
> business.  Last I checked, Boeing still sells rather large pieces of
> interestingly shaped metal, but I suspect their network is vital to
> their ongoing ability to bend said metal.  The conclusion?  Many
> companies are in the same boat as the previous class of orgs, and are
> also going to want PI space.

The network has been core to us for over decade now; everything is on it
including the machines that "bend (or cut) interestingly shaped metal
(or composites)".  Network outages now rank only behind power outages in
their business disruption costs.

And now we are even including it in the aircraft so the airlines will be
able to get real-time updates from the flight before it even lands on
what it needs for the flight (food, fuel, service, etc), be able to
re-ticket you in flight (and print the ticket), and even allow you to
work or communicate while in the air (Connexion by Boeing).

Take care

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