[ppml] Proposed Policy: IPv6 HD ratio/ Really public involvment

Chip Mefford cpm at well.com
Fri May 13 13:06:18 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Glenn Wiltse wrote:
|   Oh, come on... please don't get started on a debate of top or bottom
| posting... or posting in between for that matter. It's trivial attacks
| of this nature that detur some more timid folks from posting.
| Glenn Wiltse


It was neither an attack, nor trivial. It was a declarative
statement. Such things make threads difficult to follow, and discourge

It is difficult to avoid being misconstrued if context
is not kept.

This is a pretty intimidating list as it is. There was
a statement made that implied that things might move
along better if there were more input. I made my

It seems pretty clear to me, that /right here/ is a good
enough example of me at least, wanting back into lurk
mode most desperately.

I know this is true for me, I can fairly intuit it
is for others also.

This is a high traffic list, I have a day job. I try to read
as much of this list as I can, some threads might go on
for a week or so before I even begin on them.
I'm sure I am not alone.
- --

| On Fri, 13 May 2005, Chip Mefford wrote:
| Azinger, Marla wrote:
| |>From my experience I have found there are a large number of people
| within the Internet Community that read about 75% of these postings.
| They also form an opinion.  However, they refrain from commenting.  Why?
|   I have been told by many..."because you already said what I was
| thinking" or "because I dont like speaking or commenting in public forum
| so I just wait until someone else says what I'm thinking."
| There are also those of us who might interject something, but since the
| format is a top-posted, jeaporday style thread, it's difficult
| to contribute without being misconstrued.
| Please don't top post.


| Just so your clear on my posistion, I'll post on both top and bottom.

|   Oh, come on... please don't get started on a debate of top or bottom
| posting... or posting in between for that matter. It's trivial attacks
| of this nature that detur some more timid folks from posting.

| Glenn Wiltse

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