[ppml] IPv6>>32

Kevin Loch kloch at hotnic.net
Thu May 12 18:11:17 EDT 2005

bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
>>This is more about static vs dynamic than it is about single ip vs
>>subnet.  They already know everyone is using NAT so it's not about
>>the number of users supported.  
> 	any studies to back up that assertion kevin?


   "According to newly published research from Infonetics..."


   "In term of units shipped, the total of 73 million last year
   represented a staggering 74 per cent hike, according to the analyst
   firm's report."


   "DSL CPE was found to account for up to 48 per cent of total revenue
   in the fourth quarter, while cable CPE made up 17 per cent, broadband
   gateways 25 per cent, and voice terminal adapters and IP set-top boxes
   made up the remainder."

So about 20 million nat boxes sold just in 2004.


Nat boxes are extremely common in the residential market.

- Kevin

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