[ppml] 2005-1:Business Need for PI Assignments

Davis, Terry L terry.l.davis at boeing.com
Mon May 2 00:23:38 EDT 2005

About four years back I made these points in presentation to the UTC:
- Your home is going to be a member of multiple IP-v6 networks. These
	Energy providers (gas and electric)
- Your energy system is likely to consume somewhere between 500 and 1000
addresses by itself.  (count every electrical device in your home,
including wall sockets!)
- Video services
- Communications services (phone etc)
- Government is considering a v6 address for your property to use for
everything from emergency services to tax collection.
- Electronic equipment service requirement reporting

Take care

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Lewis [mailto:Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz] 
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 8:56 AM
To: Michael.Dillon at radianz.com
Cc: ppml at arin.net
Subject: Re: [ppml] 2005-1:Business Need for PI Assignments

At 16:31 +0100 4/25/05, Michael.Dillon at radianz.com wrote:

>>  If you put a /48 in my house, with each device getting a /64 to
>>  assign a /128 to it's interfaces, I still have a hard time imagining
>>  that this would be an efficient use of space.
>Now you are thinking like a Bedouin in the Sahara. When water is scarce

Analogies don't help me understand the problem any better.  Yeah, 
scarcity is relative.  Today I have 3 IP addresses DHCP assigned to 
me, and even that seems plenty - I've never used more than 2 at a 
time, 99.99% of the time I use just one.

What will I be addressing that will need more addresses?

>You are at liberty to run your home network the way that you want to

I don't run my home network.  As much as networking is my career, I 
leave it at the office.  In my house I have a few client machines, no 
servers, probably even less sophisticated than what my parents have. 
I leave the network management to the ISP I buy service from.

What I mean is - I have yet to be convinced that there is a concrete 
reason to assign gobs of addresses to my house.  Why not dole out 
IPv6 a few addresses at a time until it's clear I need a /48 or /52 
or /60.  My lack of addresses (when I am home) isn't what's holding 
back innovation.  Wouldn't my squandering addresses be a bigger risk 
to future innovation?

Edward Lewis

If you knew what I was thinking, you'd understand what I was saying.

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