[ppml] Directory Services - section 3.4.3

Michael.Dillon at btradianz.com Michael.Dillon at btradianz.com
Wed Jun 15 07:35:19 EDT 2005

> The folks who suggest arbitrary media on a cost-recovery basis are
> setting ARIN up for a huge annoyance of one-offs.  The procedure for
> making a database copy for a customer should be "insert blank media,
> push button, put label on media, put media in envelope, put envelope
> in fedex".

I agree. That is why I want to see a minimum of detail
in the policy and a maximum amount of discretion for 
ARIN staff to either say "NO!" or to negotiate a price.
I have absolutely no idea of the demand for this type
of service which is why I want the power to reside with
the staff. If there is a significant demand, then I trust
the staff to negotiate technical details and pricing. And
if there is little demand, then I trust the staff to say
no to these requests.

I have only mentioned a lot of different media because 
scenario analysis is a useful way of standing back and
surveying the problem and the set of solutions to the
problem. Once you get a view of the overall landscape
you can generally make better decisions about what needs
to be done and what should be left to nature (or ARIN 
staff) to take care of.

--Michael Dillon

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