v4 v v6 - Re: [ppml] 2005-1:Business Need for PI Assignments

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Tue Apr 26 09:25:00 EDT 2005

At 10:21 +0100 4/26/05, Michael.Dillon at radianz.com wrote:

>I know this is hard to do and requires some innovative and
>creative thinking, but that is what must be done to create a
>sensible IPv6 policy.

What tangible differences are there between v4 and v6 when it comes 
to addressing?  How about some examples, some "for instance..."s?

Here's why I think it's not wise to set a policy because of things 
that require innovative and creative thinking...

Are subnets in the home-area-network future?  If you have a fast back 
plane network hub with interfaces for each addressed device in the 
house, troubleshooting tools adequate for the job, and interface 
cards able to filter in desired traffic, is there a need for 
subnetting?  Are subnets a given - are they justification for IPv6 
policy being different from IPv4?

There are many possible futures out there, that's my point.
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

If you knew what I was thinking, you'd understand what I was saying.

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