[ppml] IPv6 & /48 [was 2005-1:Business Need for PI Assignments]

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue Apr 26 02:11:58 EDT 2005

	Thanks for changing the thread.

	Personally, I can't see that the average home user needs more than
a /64, and, possibly a /128.  I think that users should have the ability to
get whatever they need, but, the default allocation for a single home should
be no shorter than /64.  I have no problem with issuing /56, or, even /60s
to individual users.  I have always considered the /48 gospel to be somewhat
silly. If someone needs a more than a /64, let's give them a /60.  If they
need more than a /60, let's give them a /56.  If they need more than a /56,
let's give them a /48, but, let's not burn address space just to burn 


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