[ppml] 2005-1:Business Need for PI Assignments

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Mon Apr 25 16:24:56 EDT 2005

At 12:38 -0700 4/25/05, Owen DeLong wrote:

>Uh, because the IETF is the body that makes design decisions for internet
>protocols, and, policy must, at some level, reflect those decisions.

"Must?"  The public (of public policy) is not beholden to the IETF.

>Vastly different is one very vocal person's viewpoint.  The reality, in
>my opinion (and I think the majority of those present) is that there is
>not a lot of difference other than the size of the pool.

Just because a person is very vocal and not in the alleged majority 
doesn't mean that claims ought to be written off.  I am asking about 
the differences because I don't see them (i.e., I agree with you) and 
because there does seem to be some smoke when we talk about v6 
address allocation.

>Well... I feel that the /48, /64, etc. discussion has wandered far afield
>from the topic of the 2005-1 policy proposal (whether or not to issue PI
>space to end users of V6 that can justify it).  I just don't see how a debate
>of minimum prefix sizes overall for V6 is part of this discussion.

In the search for why v6 and v4 are different...and whether there may 
be another route to achieving the objective of the policy.

>Start by reading the RFCs.  Then, there's the IETF Mailing List archives.

LOL, a good one.  Seriously, have you ever tried to do that?  Mail 
lists are really poor when it comes to researching ideas.  Some 
archives just aren't available (DNSSEC WG).  A lot of them reference 
internet-drafts that the IETF doesn't archive.  In some active 
groups, I have been asked and failed to find justifications for a 
requirement that a draft author/editor popped into a document.  The 
IETF isn't a place to learn...

>I'm not saying that PPML is not for hearing and considering different opinions
>or viewpoints.  If you want to debate prefix sizes on PPML, I don't have
>any problem with that.  Either find, or, propose a policy that deals with
>that issue, and, have that discussion within that thread.  I'm just saying
>that it isn't what 2005-1 is about.

You can always kill the thread when you mind is made up on a topic.

Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

If you knew what I was thinking, you'd understand what I was saying.

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