[ppml] 2005-1:Business Need for PI Assignments

Benjamin Crawford bicrawf at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 10:48:21 EDT 2005

It is extremely important to realize that
organizations, with responsibilities to their
customers and shareholders, will not be willing to
move forward with IPv6 if their v6 allocations will be
tied in to a specific service provider.  This point
was made by several representatives at the PPM in
Orlando and needs to be given strong consideration. 
IPv6 acceptance will continue to be prolonged until a
time that a policy or technology is put in to place
that will not bind an organization to a service
provider due to an IPv6 allocation.  At this time, the
policy should be supported to help get v6 off of the
shelf and accepted by many of the businesses out there
who are starting to look at this new protocol.   -Ben Crawford

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