[ppml] Draft ARIN Recomendation

Michel Py michel at arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us
Fri Oct 22 11:31:57 EDT 2004

> bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com
> The promise of ULAs - invites chaos and anarchy. The allure
> is near zero aquisition cost, near zero accountability, and
> for	early movers, near zero insertion cost.  These will be
> treated as PI space (and I hate that term) and can -NEVER-
> be eradicated once released. (sez bill, donning his
> nostradomus robes and hat)

For once, I completely agree with Bill. Here's the scenario:

- Everyone is going to get an ULA (why not?)

- Sooner or later a free registry will pop up to ensure uniqueness. (We
have discussed this a long time ago, it is not that difficult). Worse,
we will have a hard time calling that registry illegitimate, as there is
indeed a legitimate need for it: making sure that organizations that
have private links for business reasons don't collide.

- People will want to use ULAs as PI.

- People are going to take some money (up to the amount that they would
have paid to ARIN) to their ISPs, and say "I'll give you this if you
forget to filter the ULA I announce to you". This is especially true of
organizations that are not eligible to get portable space.

Net results:

1. Instead of the money going to ARIN, it will go to ISPs. Not good. Oh
wait. You mean _me_? Mmmm.

2. Everyone and their dog will announce their ULA. As soon as a critical
mass is reached, it will become the de-facto swamp v6.


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