[ppml] ARIN 2002-3 statistics

Jim McBurnett jim at tgasolutions.com
Mon Nov 15 20:42:37 EST 2004

> From: Leo Bicknell
> No.  From recent discussions sprung up from Nanog news of 
> this change hasn't made it very far at all.  Also, given once 
> someone knows they can do this they may have to put various 
> ducks in a row to make it happen I think it is too soon to tell.
Thought-- with the 7 new routers that Cisco just put out, all of which
Could handle a FULL BGP route table, and the "low" cost of these, many
Could be prepping budgets to do this and we just don't know..

I have been advising ALL my customers that have multi-homing
requirements to 
Get their own space.  And the planning timeline for them is not short..
I know many of you have renumbered, so you know what those folks are up
Especially with the financial markets the way they are now.........

> I would like to see month-by-month numbers, so we can attempt 
> to tell if the rate of requests is still going up, going 
> down, or remaining steady.  This is a better indicator, IMHO.
> If we have month by month numbers for a year showing a trend 
> that is not sharply increasing towards the end we are 
> probably safe, otherwise, who knows?

I think not only would this help but also the denied count.
And a count of denied resubmittals.
If I were to get denied, I would "realign the stars" and resubmit...
I know that happened, I have heard of that before......

I like statistics, but we are just starting the count........

> -- 
>        Leo Bicknell - bicknell at ufp.org - CCIE 3440
>         PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/ Read TMBG 
> List - tmbg-list-request at tmbg.org, www.tmbg.org

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