[ppml] Draft ARIN Recomendation on draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-centra l-00.txt, take 2

Mark McFadden mcf at uwm.edu
Tue Nov 9 16:51:55 EST 2004

>> If we are to create another and 'perhaps' more streamlined means of 
>> gathering input without waiting for a Public Policy meeting, then 
>> another mechanism needs to formulated and ratified it seems to me.
>and why should we wish to avoid face to face and email discussion of 
>matters of sufficient seriousity that an outside party has asked us 
>for a position?

I don't think that "avoid" is what's being suggested here.  Instead,
the current public policy process is open, transparent and ensures an
opportunity for informed comment and consent.

The question is: what happens when an organization needs input from our
ommunity prior to the Arctic ice pack melting?  I don't think we should
"avoid" face-to-face and email conversations . . . I just think we
should have an alternative mechanism for addressing requests/concerns
in timeframes that are not addressed by the timeframes of the Public 
Policy Meeting.


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