[ppml] Policy Proposal 2003-15: IPv4 Allocation Policy for the Africa Portion of the ARIN Region

Johann Botha joe at frogfoot.net
Wed Sep 24 11:42:01 EDT 2003

Hi Leo                                           >@2003.09.24_16:43:28_+0200

First of all, let me say I support this porposal 100%

I believe we need to see a change in IP allocation criteria for the African
region.. even if only by one bit, if not by two as in the proposal. And if
we dont see this change while ARIN controls our regions alloctations then we
will see it when AfriNIC does... so why wait?, why hamper growth?

I have no problem if ARIN adopts this criteria as policy for other regions.

If porposal 2003-15 is adopted I think it will have a negligible impact on
the size of the global routing table and I cant think of any other technical
reason not to accept this porposal.

> Why does an African ISP with an E1 and 1000 subscribers get to
> multihome, yet E-Bay with several gigabits of traffic and millions
> of users not?

Because renumbering 5 webservers is not the same sport as renumbering an
entire ISP client base.. and content providers in Africa are also usually
not multi-homed.

> Why does an African ISP with an E1 and 1000 subcribers get to
> multihome, but a US ISP with a DS-3 and 10000 subscribers not?

Why do you care ? What do you stand to loose ? Ever been to Africa ? It's
very clear there is a need for this policy change.. and more importantly..
there is support for it.

If you feel stongly that the US ISP in your example should be given IP
space.. well, then submit a proposal.

I think this should be an open and shut case, pick a block of IPs to be
moved to AfriNIC soon and start handing out /22s to African networks who fit
the criteria. In my mind this is a smart solution until AfriNIC is up and
running and has no real impact on non African ARIN members.

Regards                  ..Friends don't let friends use Outlook

          'Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.'
                                 - Leonardo da Vinci
 Johann L. Botha      Frogfoot Networks ISP              AS22355
 joe at frogfoot.net     http://www.frogfoot.net/
 +27.82.562.6167      Built and Managed with Attention to Detail
 0860 KERMIT

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