[ppml] Alternatives to 2002-3 Wording and Scope - Please Evaluate

william at elan.net william at elan.net
Mon Oct 13 05:18:22 EDT 2003

  Requirement for ASN is multihoming or unique routing policy and 
actually multihoming generally applies unique routing policy by default.
So alternatives 3 & 4 (which remove requirement of ASN) do not provide 
anything new, while at the same time removing pre-requirement of ASN and 
company already been working with ARIN and becoming familiar with its 
process and establishing billing account, etc. 
  However we have to recognize that there maybe cases when company has an 
ASN but its not from ARIN but from one of the other RIRs. In this case, 
company should attempt to get space from that RIR first but should not be 
denied going to ARIN.
  Therefore I prose that Alternative 2 be modifed and words "ARIN ASN" be 
replaced with just "ASN":

  2.1  Possible Modified 2002-3 Policy
  2002-3 Micro-Allocations and Assignments for Multihomed Networks
  Multi-homed entities which have been assigned an ASN may justify and 
  obtain a block of address space with prefix length extending to /22 
  directly from ARIN.  When prefixes are longer than /20, these 
  micro-allocations ormicro-assignments will be from a reserved block for 
  that purpose.

I also believe it would be usefull (for purposes of keeping routing 
table smaller) to require renumbering when same organization asks for /20 
and prevent the same organization from receiving two /22 micro-assignments.
I propose the following additions

"Organizations may apply for micro-allocations or micro-assignments 
 under this policy only once. Requests for additional assignment and 
 allocations should be done under ARIN's other policies and if larger size 
 allocation or assignment is justified, the micro-allocation or assignment
 must be returned to ARIN within 12 months of receiving new assignment or  

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Bill Darte wrote:

> Hello All,
> Following are 4 alternatives to the 2002-3 Micro-Assignments for Multihomed
> Networks policy proposal.
> The first option is the current proposal that has been around awhile.  The 3
> options following are various wordings of an alternative policy proposal
> that trims the wording, but expands the objectives of 2002-3 to inlcude
> micro-allocations as well as micro-assignments down to /22.
> In each case, it is planned to follow the impact of a successful policy
> adoption in this realm to ensure that it doesn't break things on the
> Internet.
> Please review each of these alternatives and register your preference...or
> proposal specific and succinct wording changes where you feel appropriate
> along with a brief explanation your reasoning.
> The results of this exercise and the comments from interaction will be
> presented along with those related to 2002-3 here-to-fore on the ppml at the
> upcoming meeting in Chicago.  I urge each of you to participate fully in
> this exercise and a the upcoming meeting.
> Bill Darte
> ARIN Advisory Council 
> 1./  Original 2002-3 Micro-Assignments for Multihomed Networks
> If an end-user is not multi-homed, the minimum justified block of IP address
> space assigned by ARIN is a /20. If assignments smaller than /20 are needed,
> end-users should contact their upstream provider.
> If an end-user is multi-homed, and has an ARIN assigned ASN, the minimum
> justified block of IP address space assigned by ARIN is a /22. Such
> assignment will be made from a reserve block for this purpose. If
> multi-homed assignments smaller than a /22 are needed, end users should
> contact their upstream provider.
> 2./  Possible Modified 2002-3 Policy
> 2002-3 Micro-Allocations and Assignments for Multihomed Networks
> Multi-homed entities with an ARIN assigned ASN may justify and obtain a
> block of address space with prefix length extending to /22 directly from
> ARIN.  When prefixes are longer than /20, these micro-allocations or
> micro-assignments will be from a reserved block for that purpose.
> 3./  2002-3 Micro-Allocations and Assignments for Multihomed Networks
> (Alternative Wording)
> Multi-homed entities may justify and obtain a block of address space with
> prefix length extending to /22 directly from ARIN.  When prefixes are longer
> than /20, these micro-allocations or micro-assignments will be from a
> reserved block for that purpose.
> 4./  2002-3 Micro-Allocations and Assignments for Multihomed Networks
> (Alternative Wording)
> Multi-homed entities with a unique routing policy may justify and obtain a
> block of address space with prefix length extending to /22 directly from
> ARIN.  When prefixes are longer than /20, these micro-allocations or
> micro-assignments will be from a reserved block for that purpose.
> Thanks,
> Bill Darte
> CAIT Senior Technical Associate
> 314 935-7575 

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