[ppml] Afrinic and so-called sub-regional policies

Gregory Massel gregm at datapro.co.za
Tue Oct 7 05:59:14 EDT 2003

> Don't assume this whole Africa thing will never happen again.. You'd best
> err on the side of 'when' it happens again.. and 'when' it does, look for
> that new country to want their own policies etc.. Wait till Russia wants
> thier own RIR.. and all of the other new contries that were created by the
> breakup of the USSR.

I didn't know whether to burst out laughing or in tears when I read this.

The last time I checked, 'Africa' was a *CONTINENT*, comprising 53 countries 
20% of the earth's land, and approximately 778 million people.

Its population is approximately 1.61 times the population of the North 
American continent and its size approximately 1.23 times the size of the 
North American continent.

I cannot confirm the exact validity of this data, but the source I've obtained 
it from is http://www.worldatlas.com/ and I have no reason to disbelieve it.

I hope that puts your concerns in perspective...


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