[ppml] Policy Proposal 2003-15: IPv4 Allocation Policy for the Africa Portion of the ARIN Region

Calvin Browne calvin at orange-tree.alt.za
Fri Oct 3 01:09:09 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 21:14, Owen DeLong wrote:


> I think that trying to pretend that ARIN is two separate sub-regions and 
> create
> two separate voting bodies within ARIN to set policies for those sub-regions
> isn't likely to be a successful strategy.

Actually, as I understand it, ARIN already runs separate policies for
sub-regions - at least we get our addresses from separate blocks
according to which sub-region we're in - this has happened for a while.
We get to mess in each other's affairs to an extent we probably
shouldn't :).
It's wrong, it's broken, but it's the reality and we're busy fixing it


---------------------* My opinions are mine *---------------------------
 Calvin Browne calvin at UniForum.org.za c at lvin.co.za
               Office phone: 080 314 0077        +27 11 314-0077
               http://orange-tree.alt.za Mobile: +27 83 303-0663
               Call me for Linux/Internet consulting

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