[ppml] Wasted netspace (recovering) (fwd)

Leo Bicknell bicknell at ufp.org
Mon May 19 08:40:49 EDT 2003

Here's my take on this from the whois output.  Occidental received
three networks "early on", OXY1-NET, OXY-2, OXY-3.  I believe the
dates make them before ARIN, or at least before ARIN had some of
today's policies.

Anyway, a couple of years later they seem to be buying some Sprint
service, with all of the FON-xxxxx blocks being Sprint SWIP's.

This does point out a sort of loophole in the current system.  If
they went back to ARIN for space they would (probably?) have to
show what they are doing with all of this mess.  However, if they
go to Sprint and want a /24 for a site, they just have to justify
that /24.  That is, Sprint is under no obligation to check they are
using their other address space.

I doubt there is an easy way to solve this problem.

       Leo Bicknell - bicknell at ufp.org - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/
Read TMBG List - tmbg-list-request at tmbg.org, www.tmbg.org
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